
I’m thinking about adding some links on my sidebar. I’ve wrestled with the question of “should I only link blogs of people who are doing it right?” And what I’ve come up with is no.

I don’t think I’m in a great position to say who is doing it right and who isn’t. I’m still figuring it out for myself. I’m still wrestling with the inner bastard who did this to his wife, not to mention riding the emotional and mental rollercoaster I’ve been on.

In addition, I think there is value in seeing how other cheaters are thinking and recovering. I don’t condone cheating, but it happens for a variety of reasons. Whether you’re a fellow cheater or the betrayed spouse, seeing how others are doing can give you perspective.

My thinking may change on this at a later date, but for now I’m going to link to any blog I find interesting. This blog is about my understanding what I did, not condoning or endorsing it, so do not take a link as an endorsement for everything said or done on a blog.

About Anonyman

Recovering adulterer and husband of an awesome wife who has given me a second chance. Sinner and Christian, saved by grace alone. I cuss a lot
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4 Responses to Links

  1. I have got to see who is doing it right. I need as much help as possible. 🙂


    • Anonyman says:

      So far the links have been exclusively from the commentors, but somewhere I have some links to sites that especially helped right after the revelation. I sure hope I can find them because I think you’ll find them helpful.


  2. pabloswife says:

    So are you saying I’m not doing it right?? LOL!!


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